
SAP Calculations

SAP calculations are designed to measure the energy performance of all new dwellings, conversions and extensions. However confusing they might appear, SAP Calculations are a core element in the design of any residential scheme, and an essential part of existing Building Regulations. SAP ratings have been mandatory for new homes (Part L) since 1995, and or this reason, most developers have a working knowledge of their content.  You need these calculations to make sure your building complies with Part L (England & Wales), Section 6 (Scotland) or Part F1 (Northern Ireland) of the most recent version of The Building Regulations. Introduced by the government in 1995, these laws are concerned with the conservation of fuel and power. It is recommended that you get your SAP calculations as early in your project as possible, so if your building should fail, our team can give you advise you on how to improve.

The role of SAP calculations is threefold:

  1. To calculate the energy-related costs of a dwelling. The resulting figure is called a SAP Rating
  2. To evidence compliance with building regs (Part L)
  3. To generate data required to put together an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)

A slightly different SAP calculation may also be required when building an extension or carrying out a conversion. If you are building in Scotland, bear in mind that different requirements apply, so please make additional checks.

How can we help you?

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